December 31, 2011

Destiny Six

It is a year of six, I thought, staring from the edge of a dark highway up to an upside down moon.

Years of six have always been watershed years for me. These are years in which great and not so great decisions made in the previous five conspire together to form me into a new man with a new direction. I have never understood why this was so. I have just always accepted the inevitability of it, one of my few forms of faith, that in this year a destiny will be reached.

What is ahead, I wonder. Who will share with me, I reflect. What will change, I contemplate. Something will change and people will join me on the journey. I thank you now if it is you. I love my year of six. I love them for they are a manifest destiny on an unknown, uncharted journey.

And thank you for the past five years building to this year of six.

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