Have you ever noticed, staring into the yawn of a grand
The hammers look like teeth chewing up and down
Mincing sustenance into musical delivering energy
Do you feel like a science project?
An algorithmic allegory of the linear understanding
Making sense of these files switched places
And pieces, the keys pressing direction as the popular
Music moves along with inevitable tunes
Pleasing, boring, beautiful, predictable
And then all that jazz
The lines change direction, no longer a road map
You have dropped a fork into the pasta and given it a swirl
And every turn jumbles the lineal congeal me a rendered mute
You should feel this way thinks the immoveable object
And yet you go that way, an erasure to the plan
An abstract comes of all this, unpredictable, natural
No word can describe this mess but oh man I like it!
Watch the water glass as it bounces upon the piano bench
The sound changes pitch and tone
The water splashes from centre and drops to cause ripples
In time making non rhythmic nonsense of the music
Teeth hammer down upon the strings
Offering melody and order
But outside of the obvious just beyond all that sight
There it lies
The truth of the real