October 26, 2011

From Depths

From Depths  rlm2011

On December 7, 1941 the USS Arizona was sunk at Pearl Harbor.  Oil has leaked from the ship since, a carbon reminder of the souls forever trapped in the vessel below.

October 25, 2011

Expression Less Core

At times the torrents fall
Rapids of joyous white water
Through the chasms
Breaking in exhilarating
Air filled white froth
Across the rocks of me

Emote smote to drought
And the season changes
The water dries
And the life withers
Is the relation that fills this place
Empty echoes
A memory once in now empty soul

Go fill yourself with cool clear waters
Bring to me should you choose
The vessel with life giving drink
To share again that which drains
Across and through me
My soul
At once empty and full
Lost then found
Change and changed again