August 19, 2013

Closing Chapters

These stairs seem so small now
In childhood they were enormous
As tall as my Dad
The real one
They towered above the other
The ornery bastard
Smoked in cahoots
And gone
Thank goodness
Though his spouse leaves me cold
From so far away
She weaves her incantations
Trying to find that spell to draw me near
To her alleged allegiance of falsehood
And gone
From this country much as I
One supposes if contemplating the finish line
Of the new Chapter
As memories fade away
To internet sales schemes
Of bargain hunters and annoying scammers
And the rally around my butterflies
Babies and young men vying for attention
Seekers of my already unconditional love
Building stock upon my ledger
It is me of course who wants to remember
To think this is not my demise
But a chapter of their lives
Where I am only gone
Just one minute
Why are you angry
I found a partner and found happiness
While not to our assumed plan
It is to the plan of They who matter
To be revel in joy of another
Even though gone
We technologically logically assimilate
Around small lit screens
And cameras
And we connect with the tools at hand
A love in the glow
Even though apart and gone
I love you all
My heart and body remains bits of each
For family is strongest
This is not a last chapter
This is a linking tome
And to future
We raise a glass
Pure joy
Well written say we to the Author
And amen