May 16, 2012


stasis no longer
returned to singularity
a failure of truth
the simple plain reality
the peasant returns to his cave
and balance (lost?) 


A Fischer fisher leashed upon the world
Several moves irresponsibly ahead
A world upon the parquetry
Thrust and parry
They live upon the fence
A simple committed move can change it all
Yet so perfect is the perfect why change at all
So lies may be necessary so there be no toll
Does relinquish the queen to preserve the king
Not a chance
A draw is so more the desired
Pawn as necessary
And preserve dignity
Learn as necessity
That is reality

May 14, 2012


i held you first so long ago
the most fearsome
the most beautiful
creature i had ever known
you fought to life
and then showed me what life is
i wept the tears of a man proud
in the new woman you had become
and you were teacher
to me and your mother
you taught love
you showed love
and you brought your husband to your fold
you make me marvel
to where you take your children
and you give to me hope