September 24, 2011


From thin air
Appears to this cherub
The might and beauty
The light your fright
And awesome power
This so simple
Your child

fallenangel  rlm2011

September 23, 2011


Love, it gets in your head
It will do that to you
Yes it will do that to you
I owe you an apology
I love you so deeply
Can love no one as truly
This black and white soul
Coloured with you
You, in this head
This artless
Where is my future?

Canterbury Tales


The swing was noticeable only by the scream that preempted it.  When the smack came it was audible, and her scream turned instantly to a whimper.  The building went still.  I could sense Noah beside me and Jack across had suddenly stopped, their senses tuned to trouble.  Another smack and a cry of pain and I knew immediately where it was coming from.  I stepped into the hall and joined Noah and Jack at the elevator.  We knew where we were going.  One floor down, we rapped at the door.  The door was yanked open with a “what the f*** do you want”.  The irate greeter was pushed into the flat and held to the wall by my companions.  I checked on the girl, for to me that is all she is.  I knew her only by her voice, propensity for twangy country music, and her raucous parties that always respected curfew.  I also knew she lived alone.  She was quietly crying.  Simply she said it, “throw him out, throw the f***er out”.  She wanted no help.  She wanted no law.  She wanted only to control her space again, and to regain her dignity. 

We escorted the man out.  He may have suffered a few bruises on his way down. 

I pray he does not return.  I pray we did the right thing respecting her wishes.

Mandatory Contraband

Thrust outward this good, the complete circle
The outermost meaning, the closest of truth
When first encountered, it is taken as fact
With grown understanding is taken in tact
The energy desire, destructive with passion
Pulls at the interior, without reason nor ration

Thus spirited readiness common to all
An awareness of self and awareness beyond
The move to our home, the warm of the glow
Seeks redemption from solitude, energy to sow
From person to self and coupled in tune
To this spiritual ladder a softened heart brings

Grace forms the mind from life loves soft tender
The sphere of experience, the warmth of the sun
Please council and pray to find common ground
Thaw these misgivings, a thesis come round
Lift mind and lift soul to a life of humility
Sink arrogance drown the unfounded pride contained in this spirit

Mother does give us of growth and the fruit
She flowers and waters and sustains all our heart
We chose our way freely decisions of change
Our direction unclear but our paths our own way
We choose mothers path we can be evergreen
Or we hide and we wither a rot autumn’s season

So open these skies, clear the clouds from our view
Make clear endless paths past horizons to stars
The truth it lays there transparent from good
Mentality’s cruel humour laughter so rude
Internal the truth the contrary a living fact
External the truth given the obligatory, the binding

Do not ever say care does not live here
Fulfilled in this couple a holistic ideal
The blend of each soul and souls come before us
Lead live the adventure of trust rendered so lost
These values they transform to peaceful function
The cause of trust truth’s conflict now unity’s purpose

The regal the jester the worshiped admired
No doubt and no fear rendered absent the tension
We give and forgive to life tendered innocent
The change as we learn new belief hope new recent
The attune to atone and live amore heart full
Self seek an aware charity joined final to human quality

September 21, 2011

Canterbury Tales


Jake has lived in this building since 1977.  From his seventh floor apartment he rules lonely over his domain.  He will leave the place very hour or so, take the elevator to the ground floor, walk to the window, and if the weather suits him will wander out to Wellington and circle back around to his beloved Roslyn.  Jake moved here after his wife passed.

In 1951 Jake played for the Edmonton Eskimos.  I have never been clear which position he played but he is a small man.  When we encounter each other he always asks the same thing, “did you ever play professional football”, a nod to my size and strength.  He takes a look at my legs and tells me it was such a waste I did not, “with legs like that you would have plowed through any line in the league.”  In his day perhaps, but with the behemoths playing today I wouldn’t be so sure.

From an apartment balcony below someone is playing the sax.  It is very cool outside.  One can feel the autumn creeping into the days and the frost into our nights.  But it is bright and sunny.  Our musician’s rendition of Summertime, sultry slow and bluesy, is apropos.  I sit in my bedroom, the window open, soaking in the sound.  I am a little glad for the music, and a little sad for the passing of a truly wonderful summer.

And mostly I am grateful for my future, my new start, from this place.
guitrhaz  rlm2011

Bladderus Interuptus

Toss and then turn and turn again
Lay the lie to stay in snooze
Kid yourself attempts the doze
The curl attempt to squeeze the pipes
Then prostrate and still please go away
The aging prostate the bladder fill
It wins again and off I go
Until again I live in nappies
Bladderus interuptus I will Depends.

September 20, 2011

mizzle sashay

why would one hide in such weather…
splash instead, it is so much more fun
jump from puddle to puddle
making sure every jump is a cannonball of
stand at the curb by a great big puddle
so when the cars speed by they shower you with
and kick water at them
why would you save all the fun for them
practice your tai chi
in the middle of the road
in the middle of the deepest puddle
standing on one leg
lifting your arms high
and curving your body in meditation
just before swan
into the depths of the urban pond
it is only laundry
this is only skin
and this is so much fun
for the big dripper

September 19, 2011

Malignant Stripper

Festering festered re-festering foul spot
Bleeding occasionally
Growing malignantly
Burn on burn on burn on burn on
Feeding the disease
The stripper starts and starts again
To shed to skin and skin once more
Moulting death and now stilled life
The body bruised blue and black
Proof lived of sensual spoor
These tracks do lead to demise
The undulate pattern
The lived well lived
Warnings heed but ignored
The dollar string as thanks for time
Regrets are none
Regrets are none
The dance is done