January 28, 2012

Dear Pat Rooney

Actually my dear you don’t understand
Love and appreciation is not a learned art
It is natural and simply there
If you have to work at it because you have this insane need to “know”
Then you do me
And my art
A disservice
You feel you love my art
But you analyze too deeply
Trying to find my psyche
The psyche is out here Pat Rooney
If you cannot find the art naturally
Should you feel a need to analyze constantly
Because you need to connect to me
Then you do you
And yours
A disservice
Work for you Pat Rooney, not for me

January 27, 2012


she looked into my basket
seeking a perfect fruit
she reached into my basket
and removed the perfect fruit
placing it between her teeth
her eyes anticipating
sweet seductions
a pearl white smile closing
exploding through the skin
blue red pulp and sweet juices
trickle down her chin
to her melodious giggle
and a flick of her finger
catching the honey stream
diverting it to her lips
portraits of her love
forever pictured
forever remembered

joined as one if one for a moment,
their shadows unite without the sun

January 25, 2012

Loose Wires

How is it you can write with emotion
She asks
Curiously and cautiously
Hmm, she knows of my condition
I have few empathetic bones at all
So yes how does this happen
Certainly I am aware of emotional presence
Albeit a temporary affliction
And then a cure takes place
Rendering me unique once again
To forever render the suck it up attitude
Lord over most I connect with
But then there are some
Who break through
And sometimes from a deep slumber
Or a solitary reflection
The loose wires join
Ever so momentarily
To finish an emotion
And give me the insight
All remaining constituents enjoy
And then
Once again
But I remember
All filed neatly away
The people who break through
And I can love them ever so deeply
With passion and emotion
And I can be hurt
And can hurt
And I look forward to deep slumber
And deep reflection
Because it is then I believe I dream
And while I remember no dreams
I do remember connections
Momentarily connected loose wires
This is where my emotion resides

January 23, 2012

Born Again

I close my eyes
As I slip into the warm amniotic fluid I listen
Relaxed the blood punches past my heart
And rushes through my head
Woosh woosh woosh
Evidence my mortal coil persists
The thumping in my head subsides
And I push into life’s opening liquid
It passes gracefully over and around
Baptizing my efforts
Blind and feeling my way
End to end to end to end
My breath measured and strong
Deep into this body
Life’s giving elements
The sounds amplified
Splashes, children, kicks, and strokes
Machinery clicks and whirrs
Forming ourselves within the form of our mother’s belly
Ready to explode
Exhilarated again
Back into this unsuspecting world