November 03, 2011

blind spots

i race along
gleefully believing i am
doing right
by me by you
and all along i am simply

out out damned spot
say i
praying for the wisdom
to see as bartimaeus
granted the gift
following a life time

guide me kind souls
for I wish to know

November 01, 2011


Even now I search for you
I know your form
And where it is
This which eludes
Soul to soul
Has touched to both
And driven apart
The life we wish
Could join but won't
I search for you
From here my heart
To touch the throne
A warriors quest
So n'ere again
To feel but one

The Hull

This empty hull
Here to be filled
Contemplates its place
Can I fill this
Can they know
Can I know
These questions short
Echo echo echo
Within the empty
How how how
To who who who
My owls eye view
To all directions
How who are you?

The Mall

Heavens to market droids
Don't these people work
Or perhaps this is their profession
To mindlessly explore
These hallowed halls
Of retail expressionists
Mindless drones amongst the beige
Ooooo something shiny
Draws the attention
Take leave the mall
And visit the mystery
The shop keepers
Of passion and joy
Who put their life into imaginariums
Away from these Walmart blasé
To colour creative