December 29, 2015


this is me
tis all about me
a bout of narcissistic misadventure
to whet a solitary soul
ridden with an illogical guilt
secure in the understanding
it isn't me
except for being attacked
for gilt of none
so a zero sum game
where associates and the associated 
will lose themselves 
to an imbalance 
is in how it is stated
reason driven into void
a vengeful rational 
this cause of harm
and caught
wanting what is responsible 
my wealth is in my nature
i faced the great adventure
going when you did not
and then once you tasted
and enjoyed it's sweet nectar
yet selfishly have not learned
organic growth requires nurture
an earned place to be able to say
it was all me
i stood alone and earned this
for me
and pride then peace it's yours
keep an eye on i
not on me

December 23, 2015

the breach

he watched carefully
returned frequently
his lop wheeled bicycle squeaking its
and his
a jump and clear
across the gap
while the agent was occupied elsewhere

she watched hopefully
the soft flakes falling
covering her car in a warm blanket
the ice formed
the streets filled
praying the clear
will leave her free
from clearers finding fining furiously

I held closely
responsibility and reasonability
to find none where fair is concerned
and that grab
for unearned living
taking a step of unwarranted illegality
to bury balance deeply
in loopy holes unjust

bravado hides
the painful emotion
your words insight incites
that bare fear
unfounded guilt shared
senesce senseless
common ground with your others
free with in the stacks

that space we need to cross
an unintended gap in time
we cannot live to standards
beyond our control
yet you mandate them to civility
society mean hearted
so our holes grow deeper and wider
yet we will to be alive

we are messengers among you
made by the whole
a reminder to the few
staying heads high hearts low
so we can
be a part apart 
across the breach

November 19, 2015

Mind the Gap

Who exactly makes the choice?
Is it me, a spirit free?
Or perhaps the choice is made for me.
It is all such a swirl yes?
These bombarding feelings
Bubbling up dread then relief
And finally interconnected joy
Provided things go our way
Is it a reaction to my decisions?
Or are we part of a wider play
A stage not of our choosing
Destined for negative when we forget our role
Or god forbid, choose an unpopular way
And then ovation when we deliver
The critics heaping praise upon conforming
Not so different, my creativity might be stifled
And that fear is mostly up here though manifest there.
Mind the gap.
What does that mean?
Does my mind have a gap that place where choice is made?
Or made for me?
I can leap to safety
Or step into that unknown
See how I land.

November 06, 2015


that scent has haunted me
slight spice over a pungent 
like the hanging odour of a freshly sharpened pencil. 

and once completed another
mingled amassed emotions end
exhausted our shared fragrance that of fresh made paper.

perhaps we should write stories together.

October 02, 2015


Do you smoke after...
... well, hmmm, you know. (red faced, but why)
I don't know. I've never checked.
That was the usual gag line response.
Young lads with knowledge gained
From Rat Pack movies, comedy gags,
And lavatory intellectualism usually followed by nervous giggles
An all knowing mass of hormonal nothing
Divided from the subjective objectives of our imaginations
By a mere wall.
Were these conversations taking place there too?
We imagined from black and white
The post conversations punctuated with the orange ashen glow
Spirits of tobacco sensually circling talks of future opportunity
With truths maybe still unknown 
Hidden buried deep within 
A future now, and it is all changed
Cigarettes are dangerous
And smoking in bed well...
Do you smoke after?
I don't know, I've never checked.
The words remind me anew
From the new blue screens of our silent afterglow. 

September 21, 2015


Who are you?
Who exactly are you?
Or what?
Why do you grab my chin that way?
Crushing my cheeks into my teeth?
Do you feel that pain?
This woman who could not care?
Did not care?
For me?
As I hurtled to that train you held, me?
And then was it you who forced me to break?
That cold bleak prairie night inexplicably warm?
Was that you?
As I stood mezmerized at my falls?
The chilled frost was layering in that dark, it cracked?
And you talked with me again didn't you?
Did you see your father?
He will hold you, you know?
And will he understand? Forgive me?
Have I lost my way?
Attacked over and over by, by, by what I ask?
You've clutched me again?
But the water is cold isn't it?
It will be quick I think?

There is nothing quick here just ice reposed a question of moral outrageous railing against that so called perfect dream where I was but a two bit actor in that stage of your design salvaged from the edge by cared now by love of those who see my pain through your petty vengeance I shall live in spite of you that clutch to my throat impacting my chest rises above this unable to enable 

August 24, 2015

Taciturn v Shorn

There, it’s an obscurity
Making the presence known
A coldness down the spine
Manifest unease
Curled a dog in silent fear
Nose to tail a single
Quizzical eye to the unknown

How dare you threaten.
That foul stench of greed
Insatiable need to lord over
One cannot own
Where there is no capacity to love
Affecting affectation, the pretentious show
Oh the tears

How has this dark energy been tuned
A statement of war
A confrontation that is due
To cause all impacted ruin
Much to a selfish satisfaction
And sick desire to static
A stench foul is spreading

Where went that pride
Distinct needless of none
It is slept long enough
And needs to participate
The remains of the great experiment
Have been freed
Will they be merged? Never
What will rise friend or its foe

And now I live every day afraid,
And tomorrow?

August 07, 2015


I have stood on this precise spot
time and again
everyday of this life
and stared off over the pool
where the firm was divided
my back to the certain infelicitous
regret but not regretting
forgetting but not to forget
my face to the certain blessed
a ghost

i have stood on this precise spot
time and again
everyday of this life
and stare off across the pool
where firm was divided
a face to where pain still tries
to fell me a haunting misadventure
i have not forgotten but will forget
and I turn to my blessing
this spirit

we all stand at this precise spot
ground to this sphere
a shared existence
of apparitions who inertia
renders beached to vengeance
incapable of motion.
pasts signal deaths wraith
verve cocoons purify threat abandoned
Take a hand and trust yourself.
choice temper 

June 13, 2015

My ExCess

I am obLiterate in this onslaught against the very fibre if this that linked us to the mutual success of my inevitable success upon which you have conjoined your excess estimates of the risk do not meet your short minded self centre their will fore a reckoning which will further erode me to your planned failure of my ruination for I know what schema attack you are forming fearful of your age embarrassed by the formula you had created but we're unwilling to invest in. Life requiems earned investment or fail lures us to a precipice demised in your own misguided disguise.  We can mire in the far flung mud of the cesspools we created or we can fertilise a firmament upon that long lost.  

In other words. 

May 23, 2015

A Tale of Two Gums

Excelerate yourself
Seemples, we can all change if we try
Of course we can
And yes I should feel what you do
But its me chew you see
Mine Aspergum suppresses all feeling
Hidden behind this lovely flavour
Cheery Cherry
Full Or range
Your choice
I do love your taste
Minty explosions emote through my head
A creative cretin born undeserving
While lamenting the languish
It stalls up here
Unshared understood unspoken, sadly
Perhaps we should stop ruminating
On or our ruinating
And trade packets
Or simply drop them
For the peace of a complex wine
This unknown vintage a reflection of age
To predict a self-assured onward
Sipped in love and friendship
Kindred spirits sharing difference
A devotion to simple affection
Uncontrolled forgiven
Controlled regretted for that unsaid
Honest reflections
Celebrate breath

May 16, 2015


I fear the black corners
That which lurks in the dust
The product of our shed
Gone lifeless
And settled from this air
Our breathing a movement
Musical weaving of fate
There was no wrong done here
All of it reasonable
There was no love there
All of it sacrificial
And now to pay again
I've only blood left
Do I spill it
A last breath
Coaxing flotsam from the waste
Or do I shine light
And rise above
Once again
Because I am good
And so much the better
Than and without you

April 25, 2015


It is all so complicated
There are things in
Beyond capacity
Beyond complexity
To be in comprehension
A tension of simplicities
Woven to intricacy
The links points
Of clarity and confusion.
Why do we bother to play in here at all?
The rules are fluidal
Whimsical points of view
Set by the artificer
Acquiesce only to capitulation
To secure concordance
From those who choose
To be misunderstood
Or misunderstand those
Who would understand
Those that are beyond
Giving of themselves further
For little reward
Till a creature of open heart
Enters the soul
And simply resides
In tender connection pulling
Constant heart in core
Encore and again
When it will make sense
We hope
Before it all unravels
Be it the ever intricate connecting
Knots of our entwined worth
Clenched to all hold on
For there are bumps ahead

March 20, 2015

Church of England

Talk to me Dad
Tell me of your life, the form
Tell me of the war, that wondrous playtime for young boys
Tell me of the terror, of bombs, direct and stealthy
Tell me of your moving
From the time your brother fetched the midwife
To the Mediterranean
To the Middle East
To England
Tell me till you stop
Your silence a period of sadness and melancholy

Play with me Dad
Show me how to throw a ball
A googily to confuse those opponents
Walk with me up tall mountains
And small villages and orchards and fields
Show me those ghosts
Show me these graveyards
Feed me Nelson Cakes and tea to ground me to the yards
And bring me to the admiral’s resting place
Our heritage of sea

Teach me Dad
Of history, of geography
Show me how to find my way
Points on maps with meaning
That the easy fast way is not the interesting way
Give me features to navigate this life
So I can find my way here
Again to you
Again to my children
Again to my home

We stand at Regent Day Dad
And I always look left
Even when you weren’t there
There you were a beacon, a hope
Just down that road or on those rails
And we believed if we had to
You would take us
Heal us, this was our faith

You’ve a way of speaking
A gentle giant of a man
Humour your shield
English to the core
We’ve adopted this you know
A quiet repose where silence holds definition
I borrow your voice in this head
And I use its familiar comfort
To relax people around proper friendly demeanor
To suppress anger
And to change this world for better

It was only a week Dad
And you had us all
You were so happy with your family
Finding back roads
Showing us Havre hills
Where none should logically be in that wide prairie
And we climbed the mountains and played in the snow
And we built memory

And it was only a week again Dad
A surprise wasn’t it
Your teen boy come to hold eulogy
With his father for a favoured mother
And you gave me connection to family
And our children connect even today
So we cannot be separated
Though separate we would be

Hold me Dad
I am faltered and alone
Disconnected and broken
Can you counsel a boy
Guide with your wisdom
Take away this pitted pain
Give me strength to carry forward
Against those opponents who would hold me committed
You said it was right, this change
I believe it is

Look at us Dad
Look at who we are
Fine men and women who made their way
Look at how we’ve learned
See your children’s children Dad
Wonders and joy, learning from us
And now their great children
Our rewards from God that we be allowed to carry on
It all started in England
This church of your people
And its is all so brilliant, all so unexpected
And all such a miracle

Look at what you’ve started
It is all so very good
We can take it from here

March 08, 2015


Let us trade the light of two spheres across two spheres our pleasures companions stare to each watch of tenuous steps toward a settlements conditional of honest knowing that we too be can be will be inseparable separable fools created in each a need to join our souls to distant firmament all wise knowing we are lovers again and for again and now

February 17, 2015

thoughts on vocation

so I’m sitting around doing not so much other than being this unemployed bum with something called financial obligations and few prospects while I do this mind numbing but so called life affirming homework that evidently will make me a better person that will now have employability skills that I can use to secure a high powered over paying under fulfilling career job when I get up and go to the loo and I glance into the mirror and I see an old portly bugger with a bulbous gut pushing the bottom edge of a sweat stained paint festooned well worn well torn t-shirt from in better shape yeah this is a good idea go run a marathon days over top of my relegated renovation shorts covered in house paint and glue and caulk and sweat and stuff and I think, hmm, you look like an artist.

think i will contemplate this from bed.