August 07, 2015


I have stood on this precise spot
time and again
everyday of this life
and stared off over the pool
where the firm was divided
my back to the certain infelicitous
regret but not regretting
forgetting but not to forget
my face to the certain blessed
a ghost

i have stood on this precise spot
time and again
everyday of this life
and stare off across the pool
where firm was divided
a face to where pain still tries
to fell me a haunting misadventure
i have not forgotten but will forget
and I turn to my blessing
this spirit

we all stand at this precise spot
ground to this sphere
a shared existence
of apparitions who inertia
renders beached to vengeance
incapable of motion.
pasts signal deaths wraith
verve cocoons purify threat abandoned
Take a hand and trust yourself.
choice temper 


Marjolaine Hébert said...

Interesting... good writing.

Do you use 'firm' for firmament? That one throws me off;)

Unknown said...

Firm has a double meaning here. Firmament yes, in the physical/spiritual sense. But also holding firm as intransigence.

Thank you for your comments.