December 23, 2015

the breach

he watched carefully
returned frequently
his lop wheeled bicycle squeaking its
and his
a jump and clear
across the gap
while the agent was occupied elsewhere

she watched hopefully
the soft flakes falling
covering her car in a warm blanket
the ice formed
the streets filled
praying the clear
will leave her free
from clearers finding fining furiously

I held closely
responsibility and reasonability
to find none where fair is concerned
and that grab
for unearned living
taking a step of unwarranted illegality
to bury balance deeply
in loopy holes unjust

bravado hides
the painful emotion
your words insight incites
that bare fear
unfounded guilt shared
senesce senseless
common ground with your others
free with in the stacks

that space we need to cross
an unintended gap in time
we cannot live to standards
beyond our control
yet you mandate them to civility
society mean hearted
so our holes grow deeper and wider
yet we will to be alive

we are messengers among you
made by the whole
a reminder to the few
staying heads high hearts low
so we can
be a part apart 
across the breach

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