June 28, 2011

On the Mark Out of Step

Well geez.  How is it I can be so on the mark in all my routine and business dealings.  Everything, and I mean everything is going just so.  Like, I am on budget and schedule for all my projects.  I have the respect of my team and the company masters.  Why just this morning a person came to see me to simply state “wow, I don’t know what has happened to you of late but I am learning so much from you, your insight is incredible, thank you and keep it up.”  Now stuff like that is important cause it can make you feel right and all, at least professionally.  And I suppose that helps your attitude at home right. 

Well no.  I am out of step with my people, the people who I care most for.  I am missing their needs by a wide lot.  They laugh and I miss the humour.  They cry and I don’t know why.  They share and I miss the emotion.  Like geez this is frustrating.  Like I am trading the deadpan routine of work for the joyous roller coaster ride of my love, my friends, my family.  Why can’t I have both I ask.  How is it I can segment myself one or the other and not be both and all.  Just not fair.

Given my choice I choose depth.  Work, as good as it is, is shallow by comparison.  My people, they give me life, my reason to exist.  So I ask, I could really care less if I hit the mark professionally; I want to be in step with our reality.  When you see me out of step please hit me, shake me out of it.  I need to know.  Cause you matter to me more than you may actually know.