May 07, 2013

In Queue at the Windsor

We are all nice people
Apparently respectable
Middle age wide paunch saggy bummed
Academics and professionals and government workers
With the token mix of derelict
Abandoned in this stairway
In this building
Where the homeless abode
Denizens of those not blessed by God
With the good sense to secure a living
Entertained briefly by the soon to be tossed
To bear witness to the bouncer
Aggressive firm and polite
False appal silent approval
Our eyes avert the dispute when the outside door shuts
The concert will start soon
A murmur: Stew is here
Couldn’t help it… who is Stew to you?
Stew is from the radio station,
At the U
He loves this down under artist
And is the reason we know to come to see him
In this down under building
Adorned with these graffitical ads
Of the venerable northern educational facility
Pukatawagan University
And so goes the queue

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