May 06, 2012


I realize now
So late it may seem
This distinct abhorrence you have
To these digital tether
Who knew?
We have blindly accepted the binding
The tenuous invisible link
Our private lives no longer our own
A necessity of commerce
Of research
Of Friendship(?)
So lets talk voice to voice
And read on and from paper
In coffee shops
In parks and streets and balconies and buses 
Amongst humanity (some will still be regrettably tethered)
An interactive dance
With touches and scents
And sounds and feelings
A revolutionary break free to be we
This can start with you and I

*the irony this is written in blog is not lost upon the writer


Cathy said...

It is the assumptions that can be drawn from this private becomes public way of life that are the most damaging- the status ridiculous, the rush to be first to comment, like ,or "friend". This technology is both wonderful and terrible. The Gaurdian had a fantatic article about this , which I read on line ( having given up my real paper subscription a year ago!)

Marjolaine Hébert said...

I like..