August 15, 2011

ramblings of the mental mind (iv)

misunderstanding the misunderstood seems a mark in life I continue to enact and act upon with intentions misunderstood I care continuing to tackle the frustrations of emotions head on wishing for emoticon signals to designate a touch a feeling from people I love so I can not be misunderstood but this would be all about me when in fact I want it all about you but help is needed for me to navigate the subtleties of the human condition a part apart I seem to be

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1 comment:

Cindy said...

Misunderstanding comes from the lack of understanding. In a relationship that is loving and giving, understanding trumps misunderstanding every time as the other partner does not leave the situation alone until understanding is reached and understood by both parties. This process may take awhile, and a lot of communication, but respect and trust on both parties is required to make this work. While you suggest the fear of being misunderstood may be all about you, when you wish it was all about those you love, comes with trusting that those you love will never misunderstand you. Only strive to continually understand and love you unconditionally anyway. Relationships are not about one person or the other but about the foundation that it is built upon together. Respect, friendship, love, passion and joy.