January 27, 2013

My Mundane

Starts are almost always same
My mundane
The alarm sits in hopeful wait
To rudely shake me from slumber
And then drops to silent disappointment
When I wake ahead of the blare
I stare at the numbers
And with a flick
The switch
"Missed it by that much"
Says 86 the clock brain
I smile my mundane
Legs are tested
Do they work
Aged pain as blood recourses
The zombie walk to plop in this desk seat
And put life back to these screens and drives
A reconnection with hope and disappointment
Is she there does she love me
Did the world survive my rest
Of course all is there and myth or truth may be found
Bound in the ones and zeroes
Elixir is necessary
A pattern mundane
Dump the old: I really must wash those now dirtier dishes
Open the lid: I again forgot to get the filter from the cupboard above
Dump the old: I really must take the trash out today
Close the lid open cupboard get filter close cupboard open lid
Pour water to six cups, three to me
What place has such tiny cups?
Plug the grinder: two thirds beans plus ten for flavour
Elementary, and I smile my mundane
I hope I am not waking the neighbour
The grinder motor is failing
Electric scents motive olfactory
Dump: switch to red, I need to buy beans and filters
The wafts of nations far from me
Grinds of sweat and soil and growth
And burlap and donkeys and Juan Valdez
They enter my mundane
Grateful I am alive
Grateful she loves me
Grateful relaxed
Cherry pie and a cuppa joe Shelley
Cooper wakes
Get a life mister
I smile my mundane
And change

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Ritual implies something holy. There is very little in this day to day that celebrates a greater power- unless it's in an unconscious despair sort of way. Mundane is perfect.