March 16, 2012


Anger cannot begin to describe this spirit
To violate, to take, to cheat
The best of humanity
To victimize, to humiliate
With no regard
For what?
I could care less.
You are the lowest of low
Eye for an eye does not describe
The justice you and your kind
Should endure
But I will not waste energy further on you
For you do not deserve my attention
My friend deserves my undivided attention
Nothing less
Nothing less will ever do
Recovery begins with friendship
With support and love and understanding
Nothing less will ever do

March 15, 2012

The Nude

The children play in the stalks
Discovery in sun and shade
You hide from adult eyes
To find life and bugs and dirt and fruit
From quiescent chrysalis you rise
To flit your colour amongst the butterflies
Orange and black and light
From petal to blossom to life itself
The air takes you to bird song
Mundane to symphonic
Simply tan to psychedelic splashes
Into the white and the cold
The angels wing and winter
Flakes indifferent and unique fall
To your tongue and eye
In moons warm glow
This heavenly body in tune to your rhythm
Womb secure to your temple
You melt to the warmth of these waters
The beauty of your nude
Breasts afloat beneath face so satisfied
Floating cocooned within these arms
Curled open for nurture
Protect me she says
Take me from the pain
Value me she says
Make me real in your world
Let me be she says
Free and always
I do
Your art in my heart

March 13, 2012

because you are REAL


She needed no make up this beautiful woman
And indeed she wore none
And yet there she was across the way
In her made up persona
Hard set face
Black Metallica shirt, torn
Denim jacket, dirty jeans, torn
Military boots, scuffed
She sees me gazing and holds my look
And she softens the hard
Seated faced seat to faced seat we glance
Gaze to gaze, shy eye to shy eye
A journal appears and she writes
First on her hand then to paper
Glance, then hands, then journal
Continued glances and finally a change
She pokes her tongue at me
Breaking my stare
What do you write I ask
Her hard face melts to soft
"I make poetry"
Her deep voice and Dutch accent makes it sound
"I make love"
Will you read some to me
And she rewards me with a smile
"He glances appreciatively to me
Holding my stare, no threat
We live a moment he and I
An eternal moment
And tonight
I shall make love to him
Alone again in my rooms"
We share a moment
Eye to eye smile to smile
Her stop
Her leave

March 12, 2012

Must I Lurk in the Shadows

Must I lurk in the shadows
Waiting on indecision
Of decision
Of course
But I will because
The feelings are there
Strong and so real
Waiting for the unwaitable
Or is there a future