February 23, 2013

Storm Warning

Followed by a tornado she comes
Prepared for battle
T-shirt knotted for practical comfort
A determined look
Pensive jaw locked in concentration
Overcoming pressure
To pull this dirt
And animal
From her existence
I love you all
But my what a mess
But then this what she is doing
Pulling mess from her life
A tornado in place
To cyclone it all away
This pensive locked jaw
Gives way
Satisfaction takes sway
Never defeated
We simply stay low
For the storm will release
And sunshine and warmth
And love will always return
This is her way
And we love her for it.

Voice Out Of Dark

It matters
Being heard
Being hurt
Being loved
Getting heard
Getting hurt
Getting loved
The human experience
That shapes these lumps of clay
We can choose of course
To ignore the sculptor
But how boring that would be
Or we can forgive
Or not
All at some peril
All at real
That love happens
And with heady winds
Lifts leaves as spirits
High and higher
And can gently place
Or catastrophically crash
All to reality
It matters of course
Being heard
A mystery.