January 29, 2012

Nein One-One

Please state the nature of your emergency
Oh the commentary I could fill your head with
Of the people who have done so much wrong
And perhaps the retaliation as lame as it is
Ignorance by ignoring would be my mark in life then
Wouldn’t it?
So dear operator it would seem I have lost track of my heart
In fact I am not certain I have ever had one
Is this a point of concern or the simple facts ma’am
I am a one I am says I, a narcissistic fool of life
Knowledge of my place in this world has become quite clear of late
And frankly it is criminal.
To provide such observational understanding of the human condition
To see the math and the science and the logic of typical life
And then deny the constance of relational connection
Well that is just wrong.
And what of physical connection, isn’t that a Maslow conspiracy
As a member of this species I require such connection
And am deserving of such attention as I should like to also give
Yet cannot or could not because I am not a connecting human
Well not connecting in the manner desired of the body of the genus
What is the nature of my emergency?
I am a one wanting a one who will remain with this being
Aware of the who and the what and I am not always a where
But there is good stuff in here
Clay to be molded
And while rigid I am malleable
For the right person
No emergency but an urgency to fulfill my human destiny
I hope

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