April 24, 2012


I wonder what it is I am missing
All these pieces I cannot connect
I am rather like the Charlie Chaplin character
Waiting for the girl
Making all the bread rolls dance
The feelings of loss so acute
Expurgate this soul from that
I simply was not aware
The potential for awareness censored
Naturally tragically
Until awareness comes washed ashore
After bobbing in a bottle
The message stark and cold
No more
How can this be
It was all to be so perfect
Time and patience virtues of my possession
Honesty perhaps too aware
And exuberant
Being free together for one another
The Irregular in a Regular tome
The End is not in sight as yet
Interludes will indeed must light a way
For two so indifferent different
Perfect nuts in a squirrely incident
And another chapter to be written

RLM 2012 No Fear Friends

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Brave! You can only be brave by doing scarey, uncertain and unsure things.