February 18, 2012

A Dialogue of Love's Friends

The curtain rises…

The scene: a dark bluish hue, light beyond, gloomy with uncertainty.  A single chair, wooden.  The actor walks to the chair, turns it, and leans self to the chair back…


“I see you there and I know, yet don’t know why.  And yet am glad for the fact. 

I need you in my life. 

There, I said it.  I need you in my life.  From that very nervous beginning through our natural and sudden starts to the pivotal question, I knew this.  I need you in my life.

I don’t know if this is for every day.  I do not know if this is today and again a few days from now.  In fact I cannot say if I will ever see you again.  Only fate can say.  

I do not know what it is you and I are supposed to be.

But knowing you are always there for me.  And knowing I will be ever there for you.  Knowing also we are not what the conventional can and could be. 

We, we are not conventional are we?  Really, how could we be anything other than who we are?  We fall in and out of love.  We confuse each other.  We know we hurt.

I need you in my life.  And I know we were meant to be there for each other.  In whatever form that is.  I need you in my life.  And this will be for always.

And there you have it.  And can you do this for me?  When I am confused.  When I lose sight or when I hurt you, or me, or others.  Ask me please.  Ask me a full question, one where I must think deeply, where I must explore those places in which I need to reflect.

Will you do that for me?  My friend.  Ask me please.  And I will answer.”

The curtain… it will never fall again.

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