September 04, 2011

Kailua Pill Boxes

The idea for this piece came as I was climbing across the ridges above Lanikai Point. There are three war era protective pill boxes still located upon the ridge.

Driving the stubborn old mule up this steep hill was almost more than Danny could take. It was hot and miserable. The knowledge that just the other side of the hill were the steady winds blowing cool off the ocean across Kailua was all that kept him moving. There were no hills like this on the prairie lands where he lived until the war began. These poor mules were laden with ammunition and food and water for the pill boxes placed to protect Bellows Air Field from attacks that were sure to never come. Really, who in their right mind would attack Hawaii?

Danny dropped his loads at boxes one and two. The soldiers grateful for the provisions. As he continued the trek to the third and final box he heard the engines of two planes fire up and take off buzzing near the hills where he had just fortified men and machines. As he arrived at number three, to his right the Japanese planes poured from the pass on their way to strafe the airfield.

The mule died first. A shock to Danny. And the last feeling he would ever possess.


Marjolaine Hébert said...

Hmm..there's a lot about this piece I like. Well done.

Unknown said...

Thank you. I had a surreal moment standing atop number two thinking of that day in the war. Suddenly my sore old bones were unimportant.